On January 20, 2011 our lives were forever changed.

Our sixteen year old son, Taylor, was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

This is his story.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Taylor had the experience of a life-time today. 
He got to meet Steve Young! 
Unbeknowst to us, our bishop has been working with Steve's P.R. person for months now, trying to set this up.  We didn't know about it until a few days ago and Taylor didn't know about it until we were on our way to meet him.

When Bishop Floyd told Taylor where we were going (while driving there), his eyes welled up with tears.  He just couldn't believe someone would do something like this for him!
Steve signing the jersey Bis.Floyd had purchased for Taylor.
Steve chose what he wrote on it.  Taylor- My main man.  
Keep the faith.  HOF 2005. SB XXIX MVP.  Steve Young  49ers
As we were walking out of the house I told Taylor he might want to wear a hat today.  He asked which one.  Since I knew where we were going, I told him a 49ers hat.  Steve signed it as well.  
"Taylor - my friend    Steve Young  49ers/BYU"

 A picture with the Mom and Dad.

Taylor is a huge San Francisco 49er fan and has been since he was a tiny boy.  Today was a dream come true for him.  In fact Taylor is such a realist, I don't know if he has ever even let himself dream of meeting Steve Young.  It was an amazing experience.  One he will never forget!

Thanks again Bishop Floyd.  You are one of the most thoughtful people we have ever had the privilege of knowing.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Four rounds down, eight more to go!  We are only one third of the way finished.

Taylor was insistent that we take Jessica (his nurse on his first chemo visit) some ice cream that he had promised her. (She had made him a guarantee that he wouldn't throw up on the way home that day. She told him if he didn't, that he owed her some mint chocolate chip ice cream. ) Each time we have gone back, we have meant to pick some up and I have forgotten. Today Taylor and I had both remembered.

Upon arriving at the clinic, he sought her out and gave it to her. It made him so happy and made them both smile.
It amazes me that each time we go to the oncology clinic each nurse that has ever helped care for Taylor, seek him out, call him by name and genuinely want to know how he is doing.

Our appointment seemed to go really slow at first. The doctors and nurses were taking their sweet time getting things going. Some of the things we found out today - Taylor gained 5 pounds this week. He will have a PET scan before his next chemo appointment to determine how the cancer is reacting to the chemo.  Because of his low numbers on his second week following chemo the first cycle, they will wait three weeks in between each cycle.

By the time we moved to the infusion room Taylor was starving. He ordered and ate all of the following: fries and fry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken sandwich, bean burrito, Oreo
shake and macaroni and cheese. Seriously!

This morning his teacher asked what he did while having chemo. My answer was - EAT!

Once we got moving, things went really quickly. We were out of there in record time. He was nauseous and  tired tonight.  More tired than anything.  But he keeps fighting!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Thank you, Thank you to the community of Harvest Hills!  
Thank you Harvest Elementary!  
Thank you Dan and Stephanie Floyd!  
Thank you Chas Glenn!
Thank you to friends and neighbors 
who helped or contributed in any way to "Taffy for Taylor".

We are truly humbled by your love and support.  
We send our love and sincere gratitude to each of you!

The Davis Family

Friday, March 4, 2011


Taylor's numbers WERE up enough that he could have chemo today. Hooray - I think? Only because the sooner he has it, the sooner he gets better. He will have today's treatment and than another next week. Then he will have 21 days off until the next round.

Today was hard - and good at the same time. Hard because Taylor is weaker this time around. Hard - because it stinks to see him go through this.
This is a picture of them accessing his port.

Hard - because a little sickly boy, with no hair and pale skin, walked by while Taylor was having his treatment and I broke into tears thinking about Taylor looking like that. Hard - because Taylor broke down on the way home. He didn't feel good, he was tired, he was emotional and he missed his Nana. He started to cry shortly after we left the hospital. It was good and bad. Bad to see him hurt. Good to see him let it out. To my knowledge he has only cried three times since this whole ordeal started.

Good - The doctors say Taylor is doing well. He will have another PET scan after this cycle to see how much the cancer has shrunk. Good- Stephanie came with Taylor and I again today.
Good- Taylor spent his time during treatment making a thank you poster for Harvest Elementary for "Taffy for Taylor". He also got to play with the "Cancer fears me" dog. And chose his classes for next year at the high school. Something to look forward to.

He is less nauseous this time than last. But much more tired. He was really wiped out this evening. But look at those pictures. Who else smiles like that while having a chemo treatment? Seriously!

Final Day of "Taffy for Taylor"...

Wow...what a week! Tuesday and Wednesday at the school running this awesome fund-raiser... yesterday a full day at his 3rd chemo appointment...and back to the school today for a final taffy day! I had so many people request that I come back for one more day, and I am so glad I did! If anyone wants to know what we made in profit, I will be happy to tell you. It was GREAT!!! We live in such an amazing neighborhood. This experience has made me even more grateful to call Harvest Hills home. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Yesterday while at chemo, Taylor asked one of the nurses if she had any poster board laying around that he could use to make a giant card. While he was receiving his treatment he started working on this huge thank you that I could hang up today at the school for all the kids to see when they came to buy taffy... What a GREAT kid! All of the kids were really impressed with his artistic skills...

How adorable is he?...

Several kids bought entire containers to share with their classes...
Look at this cute bunch! It was so much fun to hang out with all of them.
I wanted to include a few random shots...
Some of the girls being silly for me...
So many kids with such huge hearts... thank you parents!
The sixth graders even let me take a few shots... by that age they are usually "too cool"... but they humored me today!
Our cute next door neighbor... doesn't even like taffy but wanted to come say hello... he ADORES Taylor!
Thanks again to all of our wonderful friends, neighbors, and those we don't even know...for opening your hearts and helping with this wonderful cause. The Davis family is so grateful!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Harvest Elementary Rocks!

Due to popular demand "Taffy for Taylor" will be coming back on Friday, March 4th! The past two days were amazing, and I was so grateful for the opportunity to see how much LOVE there is in our neighborhood and school. I can't tell you how many times I was brought to tears by the kindness and generosity of all of our dear friends and neighbors...and the sweet wishes from the kids for Taylor to "get better soon." On Friday I plan on taking my video camera and capturing some of that love for him to see! Here are a few shots I took... one of the cutest girls ever! She made me promise to print this picture for Taylor to put up in his room! She was so sweet and stayed for her entire lunch recess to "help" me. Love that beautiful girl!
I wanted to capture some of the kids who bought taffy and made extra "donations" on behalf of their families! They were so sweet!
So darling! Tomorrow I will take some pictures of the masses of kids. It was so CRAZY yesterday that I didn't have time to stop and take pictures, but I will get another adult to help me get a few shots!
One of our favorite ladies! I can't imagine a sweeter heart! We got Jonah and Courtney in the shot with she and her son...
Jonah... what a great couple of days with you! I really wanted him to feel like this was something HE could do to help...and he was adorable! Yesterday he brought a picture of Taylor and we put it on the table so the kids could see who they were helping. When I was getting ready to leave I asked him if he wanted me to take it with me, and he said no, that he wanted to take it to class with him and put it on his desk. How sweet is that?!
I can't believe how much we raised...and we still have one more day! This fund-raiser was a huge success! Taylor was shocked when I came over to deliver all this love! Thank you EVERYONE!!!! (Our school rocks!!!!)
Taylor, we love you!
P.S. I want Sherian B. to know how awesome she is too! Last Monday night she took time away from her own family to spend the entire evening shaving so many heads that I lost count! (Even Taylor's GRANDMA!!!!) You made a huge difference for Taylor and I just thought you should know.