On January 20, 2011 our lives were forever changed.

Our sixteen year old son, Taylor, was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

This is his story.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today I went to the High School to turn in Taylor's books and to get his refund and yearbook. I wasn't very successful. They were happy to accept his books. But didn't seem to give a rip that my child has cancer which makes it difficult for me to come back again tomorrow and stand in line again. My options were to either go to the yearbook stomp tonight or wait in the line tomorrow for the yearbook. And it turned out that it wouldn't do me any good to wait in the line for the refund either. Because we paid for a bunch of classes that he wasn't able to attend, they will have to review it and mail me a check. Lovely.

Shane ran over to the school this evening before the stomp started and was able to retrieve the yearbook. He came home in tears. I inquired as to what had happened. He said, "My son has cancer." Seeing all the kids Taylor's age laughing and having fun. Seeing all that Taylor is missing out on. It was just overwhelming.

Then later this evening one of Taylor's friends came over to pick up his yearbook so he could get it signed tomorrow. He was tan and thin and normal. Facial hair, driving by himself, talking about his job and summer plans. Love this friend. Happy for all he is doing. Sad for my Taylor. Overwhelmed by all that he is missing out on. My son has cancer!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Today I asked Taylor what were some of the best things and the worst things he has experienced while having cancer.  The worst - Having stomach pain all the time and feeling crappy.  His body not being able to do the things his mind wants it to do.  The best - How kind everyone has been to him and the outpouring of love that he has felt. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Cancer makes you look and feel old.  Bald with dry wrinkly skin.  A body that doesn't cooperate.  Tired. 

But then it makes you feel young.  Younger than you want to be.  Scared.  Having to look to others to take care of  you.

Taylor made the comment today that he was just like a baby.  I asked, "How so?"  His reply, "All I do is eat, sleep and poop.  Someone has to constantly take care of me.  Sheesh, I even drink out of a bottle.  (Water bottle)."