On January 20, 2011 our lives were forever changed.

Our sixteen year old son, Taylor, was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

This is his story.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Throughout Taylor's cancer journey, we have felt the love of our community.  Especially that of our ward.  Every time we turned around we had people, young and old inquiring of Taylor's condition and always telling us they were praying for him.  One of the things that really touched Taylor was when he would hear about the little children who were praying for him.  

It made such an impact on him.  He felt like he wanted to do something to let them know how much it meant to him.  We talked to our Primary President and asked if there was a time when he could come in and talk to the children.  She was thrilled with the idea and asked Taylor to take 5-10 minutes during both Jr. & Sr. sharing time.

Taylor prepared a talk on prayer and the impact it has had on his life.  Most particularly in regards to his cancer.  He relayed to the children how much he had turned to Heavenly Father to help him with his fight against cancer,  He also talked about how much he appreciated the primary children praying for him.  He expressed his belief in prayer and also his love and gratitude for the prayers which have been offered in his behalf.  He gave each of the children one of his "Team Taylor" wristbands and told them how much he loved them.  
 He encouraged the children to call on God whenever they needed him and that their prayers would be answered.  It was a weepy, proud moment for this mama!

Monday, October 17, 2011


This evening we were honored to attend our appointment at the Make A Wish foundation in Murray.  It was an incredible experience!  
When we arrived, there in the entry was a large sign welcoming Taylor.

The volunteers waiting for us, wanted to take his picture, but he was to shy.  (His weight still bothers him so much.)  He did let me take one as we were leaving.
We were introduced to the volunteers who would be coordinating Taylor's wish and given a tour of the facility.  Each member of our family was given a token.  Then we were asked to step outside to the back of the building where we were asked to toss our tokens and to make individual wishes, simultaneously.  After making our wishes, we went back inside and continued our tour.
In the main hallway, way up high, are hundreds of beautiful glass stars.

Each star has a child's name and their wish on it.  After a child has received their wish a party is held in their honor and they are presented a star which they get to raise.  From the hallway we were taken to another area to a wall which held pictures of the children whose wishes were currently in the process of being granted.  Next we went upstairs to a "family" area.  We sat and visited with the coordinators.  They asked questions about our family, Taylor and his experience.  Then they begun to ask him what kinds of things he might like to wish for.

Tay has had a long time to think about this, yet he was still undecided.  He is such a practical boy that it has been hard for him.  He has been concerned about how much certain things would cost.  He is concerned that if he chose some kind of trip he would have a hard time making up all the schoolwork he would miss.  This put a nix on him wishing for the tropical vacation Shane, Jonah and myself were hoping for.

After much thought, he finally narrowed it down to the two wishes the foundation had asked for.  1 -To meet the San Francisco 49er's  2 - To go on a shopping spree.

We were each given a special piece of paper and asked to write down our wish for Taylor.  Taylor was asked to write down his two make a wishes.  Then we were taken to the "Wishing Tower".  Taylor had to use the special key which was sent to him in order to open the tower.

The tower was magical!  It was a circular room which held only a beautiful water feature in the center of the room.  The only light was that which illuminated from the floor tiles.  We were each asked to read our wishes for Taylor aloud.  Aah, talk about tear jerking.
Coordinator Annie wished that he would always love life and find happiness in everything.  Coordinator Renee wished that he would always have lots of fun doing what he loved.  Coordinator Carlee wished that he would have a great time and that his teachers would be extra nice.  Jonah wished that he would have no more cancer and get one of his wishes. Shane wished that he would have good health for the rest of his life and that his life would always be as happy and joyful as he is now.  I wished that he will never have cancer again and that he will live a long and happy life and that all of his dreams will come true.Once we finished sobbing, Taylor was asked to follow the tiles as they lit up on the floor.

They illumination took him behind the fountain where he was asked to read his wish aloud.  After reading his wish, he put his paper in a small tube which emerged from the floor and submerged once his wish was inserted.
It was such an amazing experience!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


In a innocent interaction this morning, Taylor divulged something that broke my heart.  I was in the kitchen preparing food to take dinner into a sick friend, and for Shane's parents, when Taylor came in and said he wasn't feeling very well.  This makes the third Sunday in a row that he has felt like this.  I asked him if he had eaten anything this morning.  Wondering if maybe that could be part of it.

He replied, "No, I am fasting."  I inquired as to why. His answer was simple, yet still took my breath away.  He told me that he is worried that his cancer has come back, or is going to.  He said he has been having lots of dreams about it.  That his back itches in the same place and in the same way it did when things first started.  His tone of voice and demeanor displayed his concern.  It broke my heart then and it breaks my heart now.

I have thought about it a lot today.  It is so sad that he has to even think about it.  He has been through so much. It breaks my heart!

He is working really hard at losing weight, and is looking really good.  He is having a hard time understanding that his body changed from boy to man while he had cancer and he will never look the same.