Taylor climbed into his bed for the night about an hour ago. It's been a long, hard day. His chemo appointment was at 9:30 a.m. It was almost 3:00 p.m. when it was finally over. His nurse was caring for another patient with some complications, so we did a lot of waiting.

This treatment has been the worst thus far. Taylor was nauseous before they even started the chemo. And it only got worse. Just before they administered it, his chest began to hurt really badly and they had to check all of his vitals and make sure he was okay to proceed. His lab results showed that his
hematocrit is pretty low. He also had to take the extra
procarbizine that they had forgotten last week, today.
It has been hard to watch. Him suffering so tremendously and being able to do nothing to ease his discomfort.
It was just Taylor and I today. No Stephanie (poor girl was sick) or Shane (couldn't get off work two weeks in a row). We didn't talk much. He closed his eyes and tried to tune out everything that was going on. I rubbed his head and held his hand.

This afternoon and evening have been rough. He doesn't want to eat and hasn't been able to fall asleep. He is miserable and you can tell. His face is swollen and flushed and he has spent the evening hugging his barf bowl. I have never seen him this bad and I am a little frightened. I know he is strong, but he is weak. His body has been through a lot.
I am praying that we don't end up back at the hospital during the night.
We are praying for him and for you as well.