On January 20, 2011 our lives were forever changed.

Our sixteen year old son, Taylor, was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

This is his story.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This morning as the scan technician questioned me on Taylor's health, he pointed out that today marked exactly SIX MONTHS to the day since he was diagnosed with cancer. What a roller coaster this time has been. One day you're up. One day you're down.

Oh, who am I kidding. It ranges from hour to hour, minute to minute. The past few days have been wonderful.  Excluding his legs and feet aching and the hand tremors he experiences, he has felt wonderful. He has laughed and smiled. Been that teenage Taylor that he deserves to be.

And then last night cancer took over. He was physically exhausted from enjoying a day with his cousins. This morning he literally rolled out of bed as it was time to leave, put on his shoes and got in the van.

These are the days that tear at your heart strings. You watch the exhaustion in his eyes and face,and it just hurts. Watching him laying in the chair before the scan just broke my heart.

He is such and incredible young man. Never complaining. Never asking for anything. Just enduring this trial.

I often wonder what he is thinking. Is he as scared as I am?

No answers today. Echo cardio gram and Pulmonary Function tests tomorrow. Than a meeting with oncology to discuss the results. Hoping and praying the chemotherapy did what it was supposed to and that his heart and lungs haven't been damaged by it.

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